[Air-l] Journals for Submission

Mark Marino markcmarino at gmail.com
Fri Apr 14 09:59:08 PDT 2006

Can you recommend peer-reviewed print journals on computer research?  I have
an article-length analysis of my recent online survey of those who create
and use chatbots (conversational agents) and I'm trying to get a sense of
the publications, beyond the lists I have been able to find.   My particular
line of inquiry was into issues of race, gender, and sexuality as opposed to
practical usability questions (if that helps recommend journals).

If people have feelings on a hierarchy (top journals to average), please
contribute that as well -- I'm sure others on the list have similar
questions.  I have already consulted the AOIR scholarly resources page.

Below is one list I came across. Please add to or comment on these if you
are familiar with them.

Thank you,
Mark Marino
Writer Response Theory (WRT)
mmarino at writerresponsetheory.org
Also @ USC--Writing Program

   - ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) <tochi.php>
   - Behavior & Information Technology (BIT) <bit.php>
   - Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) <hci.php>
   - Information, Communication and Society
    - Interacting with Computers <iwc.php>
   - International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJHCI)<ijhci.php>
   - International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS) <ijhcs.php>
   - International Journal of Man-Machine Studies (IJMMS) <ijmms.php>
   - Journal of Usability Studies (JUS) <jus.php>
   - New Media and Society
    - Revue d'Interaction Homme-Machine (RIHM) (Journal of Human-Machine
   Interaction) <rihm.php>

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