[Air-l] Old Commercials of Technology

Sarah Stein sstein at unity.ncsu.edu
Sat Apr 8 16:13:02 PDT 2006

Thanks, Karla. I also just wrote an email to him saying I was glad to 
see further work was being done of this ad but was concerned that his 
lit review didn't seem to have uncovered my work to be cited. If he 
weren't a communication scholar it could be just one of those "we 
don't cite anyone outside our field" but not in this case.
	Well, I don't want a fight but it is disappointing.

>Having viewed Ted Friedman's book excerpt online of his Apple ad 1984
>book chpater, I'm surprised that in discussing many of the same
>issues, he didn't seem to have been aware of earlier research on this
>subject--as in Stein's 1984 Mac ad analysis.
>--Karla Tonella
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Sarah Stein, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Dept of Communication
Chair, Teaching, Learning & Technology Roundtable (TLTR)
Box 8104,  N.C. State University     
Raleigh, NC 27695-8104      
Ph: 919-515-9740; Fax 919-515-9456

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