[Air-l] social movements / social software

Andrew Herman aherman at wlu.ca
Wed Apr 12 05:41:31 PDT 2006


This is both fascinaqting and important.  Can you give some more detail about how this web site (or anay other involved in this movement) is based upon, delpoys, advances "social software" in an explicit way?


Andrew Herman

P.S.  A working definition of social software in this case would be useful as well.

Andrew Herman, Ph. D.
Associate Professor
Department of Communication Studies
Wilfrid Laurier University
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3C5
519 884-1970 x3693
>>> dsilver at u.washington.edu 04/10/06 3:56 PM >>>

today, across the US, there are marches and rallies for equal human rights.  the events appear to be organized in a decentralized manner and are distributed across the north, south, east, and west regions of the united states.  some estimates suggest that by the end of the day, 2 million people will march.

in an attempt to preempt barry wellman questioning whether this is a relevant topic of internet research (!), let me say that much of this organization is happening with the help of digital media / social software, including social networking sites and good old fashioned web sites like this: http://www.cccaction.org/cccaction/april10_index.html

some people are suggesting that this is the first significant US social movement since 9-11.  whether or not that is true, it's fascinating to see that this is a social movement led by people of color.

david silver

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