[Air-l] searching for genre-specific blogs

inna irk4cmc at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 20:47:14 PDT 2006


I'm also working on a project that requires a collection of 
genre-specific blogs, so I've been struggling with this issue for quite 
a while. So far I'm trying to appropriate some methods from ethnography 
and cyberethnography to guide me. I still work on the methodology, so I 
can't say whether it's successful or not. But for example, Marcus 
article about multi-sited ethnography was particularly insightful to 
think through these issues (Marcus, George E. "Ethnography in/of the 
World System: The Emergence of Multi-Sited Ethnography." Annual Review 
of Anthropology 24 (1995): 95-117). There are other articles as well. 
Please ask your colleague to email me off-list if she is interested in 
exchanging references and ideas.
I'd also be very curious to read what AoIR people think about this issue.

Inna Kouper
Doctoral student, School of Library and Information Science
Indiana University

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