[Air-l] Technology and Literacy text
Anna Rogozinska
milady at eo.pl
Fri Apr 21 23:43:06 PDT 2006
Hello everyone,
My name is Anna Rogozinska and I'm a PhD student at the Institute of
Polish Culture at Warsaw University (Poland). I wrote my MA thesis on
internet fan communities (focusing on slash Harry Potter fandom and its
many practices, primarily fan fiction) and am thinking of writing my
dissertation on internet communities through the lens of social bond
theories (and their application/evolution when applied to different
internet environments). The topic is still changing, though.
Mark, someone has probably mentioned that already, but have you tried
Greg Ulmer's "Internet Invention", Kathleen Tyner's "Literacy in the
Digital World" and Laura Gurak's "Cyberliteracy"? They proved valuable
when I was writing an article on the discussion around Walter Ong's
concepts in the context of internet.
Take care,
>On 21/04/2006, at 11:03 PM, Mark Warschauer wrote:
>>Doug and others--thanks for your replies. I am planning on using
>>Gee's videogames book (cited by Doug below) and also my own book,
>>Laptops and Literacy (coming out from Teachers College Press by the
>>end of summer 2006, which covers use of computers in K-12 settings).
>>I want a third book that provides an overview of the relationship
>>between technology and literacy, probably something similar to Ilana
>>Snyder's edited books but if possible more up to date.
>>Thanks again--
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