[Air-l] social movements / social software

david silver dsilver at u.washington.edu
Mon Apr 10 12:56:28 PDT 2006


today, across the US, there are marches and rallies for equal human rights.  the events appear to be organized in a decentralized manner and are distributed across the north, south, east, and west regions of the united states.  some estimates suggest that by the end of the day, 2 million people will march.

in an attempt to preempt barry wellman questioning whether this is a relevant topic of internet research (!), let me say that much of this organization is happening with the help of digital media / social software, including social networking sites and good old fashioned web sites like this: http://www.cccaction.org/cccaction/april10_index.html

some people are suggesting that this is the first significant US social movement since 9-11.  whether or not that is true, it's fascinating to see that this is a social movement led by people of color.

david silver

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