[Air-l] Internet and Eating Disorders

Suely Fragoso suely at unisinos.br
Wed Apr 5 16:07:23 PDT 2006


I know of a very interesting paper about it, but it is in Portuguese - am I correct inferring from your name that you would be able to read it?


>>> virodrig at ncsu.edu 05/04/06 19:43 >>>
My name is Vanessa Rodriguez and I am a student at NC State University. I
am doing research about youth's use of the Internet to create a subculture
where Anorexia and Bulimia are seen as chosen, acceptable life styles as
opposed to illnesses. I would really appreciate it, if those of you who
know of helpful sources for my research to send me an e-mail with your
information. Thank you very much for your time.

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