[Air-l] AOIRcamp: For the rest of us...

Kevin Lim injulim at buffalo.edu
Fri Aug 25 13:25:34 PDT 2006

Hello all,
     Ever since the AOIRcamp idea was shared with the rest of the
AIR-listserv, I've received correspondence from several interested
parties. The most important thread was understandably  about
"competing events".

The purpose of AOIRcamp is to provide a choice for folks who prefer to
craft their own activities, in an informal and commercial-free
setting. AOIRcamp also happens to demonstrate the sustainability of
emergent + participatory forms of social gathering within an academic

That said, I think it would be premature to say that AOIRcamp will
offer competition to existing programs. I see it more as having a
complimentary relationship, since those of us who originally won't be
attending such events could still get together and produce (e.g.
rather than to wander the Brisbane streets alone, we could wander

Scaling down, I'd like to try and have a meetup in a public space.

For the benefit of those who can't be there, anything we talk about
should be shared online via blogs, wikis, podcasts (w/ real-time skype
conference if possible). Using freely available tools to accomplish
all this would be super. Things WILL NOT go as planned, but that how
it'll work.

For now, someone suggested meeting at the Queen Street Mall since they
have ample outdoor space and possibly free wifi. Details (including
photos, maps) are editable at

If you're up to it, you can join the AOIRcamp mailing list by sending
email to: AOIRcamp-subscribe at googlegroups.com

Kevin Lim
Social Media Provocateur
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