[Air-l] ISSI 2007 - Madrid. Call for papers

Isidro F. Aguillo isidro at cindoc.csic.es
Mon Aug 7 23:56:59 PDT 2006

The 11th biennial International Conference on Scientometrics and 
Informetrics (ISSI 2007)


is organised by the Centre for Scientific Information and Documentation 
(CINDOC) of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC), in cooperation with 
several Information Science Departments of Spanish universities, and 
under the auspices of the International Society for Scientometrics and 
Informetrics (ISSI).

Previous ISSI conferences took place in Belgium (1987), Canada (1989), 
India (1991), Germany (1993), USA (1995), Israel (1997), Mexico (1999), 
Australia (2001), China (2003) and Sweden (2005).

Time and place: Monday 25 to Wednesday 27 of June 2007, at the CSIC 
Serrano Campus in Madrid, Spain

The proposed research topics for this edition include among others:

- Dynamics of scientific fields. Growth and diversification
- Mapping and visualisation of knowledge
- Interdisciplinarity. Multidisciplinarity
- History of Bibliometrics and Scientometrics
- Mathematical modelling of informetric laws
- Citation and web link analysis
- Webometrics
- Collaboration in research (individual, institutional, regional, 
- Evaluation of research performance: macro, meso and micro-levels
- Institutional and national publication productivity
- Development and comparative analyses of new indicators for Science and 
- Patent indicators
- Science policy analysis and forecasting
- Economic and social factors in information production and dissemination
- Scientometric impact of the Open Access initiatives
- New bibliometric indicators applied to digital libraries and e-journals
- Communication practices and performance assessment in Social Sciences 
and Humanities
- Effects of the use of bibliometric indicators upon scientists, journal 
publishers and editors

Types of contributions accepted to ISSI 2007:

Full papers, research-in-progress papers and posters are accepted for 
this conference. Research-in-progress papers are meant to cover on-going 
research and the authors must make clear the significance of their study 
and which the research questions to be addressed are. Authors are 
requested to submit their contributions using the ISSI 2007 electronic 
submission form:


Valid document formats are: Microsoft Word (doc) and Rich Text Format (rtf).
• Full papers - max. 4500 words.
• Research-in-progress papers - max. 2000 words
• Poster presentations - abstract of max. 2 pages.

Papers must conform to the ISSI 2007 submission template. All 
submissions will be peer reviewed and all accepted contributions will be 
published in the proceedings of the conference.

The working language of the conference is English.

Important dates:
• Full paper and research-in-progress paper submission, deadline: 30 
November 2006
• Notification of acceptance of paper submissions: 31 January 2007
• Poster submission, deadline: 1 February 2007
• Doctoral Forum application, deadline: 1 February 2007
• Notification of acceptance of posters: 28 February 2007
• Camera ready papers due in MS Word/RTF format: 28 February 2007

Proposals for organising satellite workshops on relevant topics not well 
addressed at the main conference can be submitted before 30 November 
2006 to the satellite workshops chair and/or programme chair.

Programme Chair:
Dr. Henk F. Moed, Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS)
Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands. E-mail: moed at cwts.leidenuniv.nl

Conference Chairs:
Prof. Isabel Gómez, igomez at cindoc.csic.es CINDOC-CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Dr. María Bordons mbordons at cindoc.csic.es CINDOC-CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Isidro Aguillo isidro at cindoc.csic.es, CINDOC-CSIC, Madrid, Spain.

Poster Chair:
Dr. Ed Noyons, Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS)
Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands. E-mail: noyons at cwts.nl

Satellite Workshops Chair:
Prof. Peter Ingwersen, Royal School of Library & Information Science, 
Copenhagen, Denmark. E-mail: pi at db.dk

Doctoral Forum Chairs:
Dr. Rickard Danell, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden. E-mail: 
rickard.danell at soc.umu.se
Dr. Birger Larsen, Royal School of Library & Information Science, 
Copenhagen, Denmark. E-mail: blar at db.dk

Regional Programme Chairs:
North America: Dr. Katherine McCain, Drexel University, Philadelphia, 
USA. E-mail: kate.mccain at ischool.drexel.edu
Latin America: Dr. Jane Russell, National Autonomous University of 
Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico. E-mail: jrussell at servidor.unam.mx
Australia - Pacific: Dr. Linda Butler, The Australian National 
University, Canberra ACT, Australia. E-mail: linda.butler at anu.edu.au
China - Far East: Dr. Liang Liming, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, 
China. E-mail: pllm at public.xxptt.ha.cn
Europe - Africa: Prof. Peter Ingwersen, Royal School of Library & 
Information Science, Copenhagen, Denmark. E-mail: pi at db.dk
India - Middle East: Prof. Ravichandra Rao, Indian Statistical 
Institute, India. E-mail: ikr at isibang.ac.in

Please, circulate this Call among colleagues.

Isidro F. Aguillo
isidro at cindoc.csic.es
Ph:(+34) 91-5635482 ext. 313

Cybermetrics Research Group
Joaquin Costa, 22
28002 Madrid. SPAIN


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