[Air-l] Ellis and Jeremy

Dr. W. Reid Cornwell wrc at tcfir.org
Fri Aug 11 16:22:10 PDT 2006

In an attempt to send the following paragraph to my editor (for translation)
my spell checker had a psychotic episode.


"Transdisciplinary Studies is an internationally oriented book series
created to generate new theories and practices to extricate
transdisciplinary research from the confining discourses of traditional
disciplinarities. Within transdisciplinary domains, this series will publish
empirically grounded, theoretically sound work seeking to identify and solve
global problems that conventional disciplinary perspectives cannot capture.
Transdisciplinary Studies seeks to accentuate those aspects of scholarly
research which cut across todays learned disciplines in an effort to define
new axiologies and forms of praxis. This series intends to promote a new
appreciation for transdisciplinary research to audiences that are seeking
ways of understanding complex, global problems that many now realize
disciplinary perspectives cannot fully address. Scholars, policy makers,
educators and researchers working to address issues in technology studies,
public finance, discourse studies, professional ethics, political analysis,
learning, ecological systems, modern medicine, and other fields clearly are
ready to begin investing in transdisciplinary models of research. It is for
those many different audiences in these diverse fields that we hope to
reach, not merely with topical research, but also through considering new
epistemic and ontological foundations for of transdisciplinary research."

This was taken from Jeremy Hunsinger's website at:

Evidently, science as Jeremy understands it, is properly described by
crafting words of his own making. In my judgment, it suffers from a
di-flucass of the ugang and is further compackliated by a clogged zortch.





Dr. W. Reid Cornwell
The Center For Internet Research
P.O. Box 6369
Breckenridge, CO

720.212.0719 (phone)
970.485.5109 (mobile)
 <mailto:wrc at tcfir.org> wrc at tcfir.org



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