[Air-l] Call for submissions to IRMA 2007

Katy Campbell katy.campbell at ualberta.ca
Thu Aug 17 15:52:58 PDT 2006

Apologies for any cross-posting.

Please consider making a submission  to the "IT Evaluation Methods  
and Management" Track of the 18th annual Information Resources  
Management Association (IRMA) International Conference: Managing  
Worldwide Operations and Communications with Information Technology,  
to be held in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia,  Canada, May  
19-23, 2007.

IRMA is an international professional organization dedicated to  
advancing the concepts and practices of information resources  
management in modern organizations. IRMA's primary purpose is to  
promote the understanding, development and practice of managing  
information resources as key enterprise assets among IRM/IT  

Submissions are welcome in the following categories: full research  
papers (4000 words); research-in-progress; and/or panels, workshops,  
tutorials or symposia.  Full conference and submission details can be  
found at http://www.irma-international.org/

Track Chairs:

Katy Campbell, PhD
Professor and Associate Dean, Faculty of Extension
Editor, Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education
2-02 University Extension Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2T4

Heather Kanuka, PhD
Canada Research Chair, e-learning
Centre for Distance Education
Athabasca University
Peace Hills Trust Tower
1200, 10011 – 109 Street
Edmonton, AB Canada T5J 3S8

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