[Air-l] Job Announcement - University of Newcastle (Australia)

Denise N. Rall denrall at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 31 01:50:06 PDT 2006

The usual apologies for cross-posting . . . .

The University of Newcastle is seeking a Professor of
Media and Cultural Studies, with the potential to take
a leadership role in the Cultural Institutions and
Practices Research Centre (CIPS) within the the School
of Humanities and Social Science.

Applications close on Sunday, 08 October 2006. Further
details can be obtained from the University of
Newcastle website:
Apart from speaking to Acting Head of School John
Germov (ph: 02 49216315), I am happy to provide
additional information about the teaching and research
focus within the school, and future plans for CIPS.

Denise N. Rall, PhD thesis in revision, School of Environ. Science,
Southern Cross University, Lismore NSW 2480 AUSTRALIA
Tuesdays: Room T2.17, +61 (0)2 6620 3577 or Mobile 0427 245 497
Virtual member, Cybermetrics Group, University of Wolverhampton, UK

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