[Air-l] email at school

Aaron Clauset aaron at cs.unm.edu
Thu Feb 23 16:50:35 PST 2006

Tim Burke (Swarthmore College) has blogged about this article twice,  
both times with interesting discussion of the issue, and had one of  
the professors interviewed in the NYTimes article weigh-in on the topic.


On Feb 23, 2006, at 3:29 PM, Peter Timusk wrote:

> Hi I find this interesting and you may too. As it is both about an
> internet topic and about ourselves as people in schools and our email
> use. i would be interested in discussing this or learning more about
> it if others have examples or research sources on the topic.
>>>>   EDUCATION     | February 21, 2006
>>>>       To: Professor at University.edu Subject: Why It's All About Me
>>>>    E-mail has made college professors more approachable, but many
>>>> say it has made them too accessible, erasing boundaries that had
>>>> kept students at a healthy distance.
>>>> Click here for the full article:
>>>> http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/21/education/21professors.html?
>>>> ex=1141275600&en=320d60b3b8dd6306&ei=5070&emc=eta1

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