[Air-l] email at school

Peter Timusk ptimusk at sympatico.ca
Thu Feb 23 14:29:28 PST 2006

Hi I find this interesting and you may too. As it is both about an  
internet topic and about ourselves as people in schools and our email  
use. i would be interested in discussing this or learning more about  
it if others have examples or research sources on the topic.

>>>   EDUCATION     | February 21, 2006
>>>       To: Professor at University.edu Subject: Why It's All About Me
>>>    E-mail has made college professors more approachable, but many
>>> say it has made them too accessible, erasing boundaries that had
>>> kept students at a healthy distance.
>>> Click here for the full article:
>>> http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/21/education/21professors.html? 
>>> ex=1141275600&en=320d60b3b8dd6306&ei=5070&emc=eta1

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