[Air-l] teens and myspace

joshua raclaw Joshua.Raclaw at colorado.edu
Tue Feb 28 13:18:49 PST 2006

Oh, I should probably put that more into context.  So based on that
conceptualization of gender, what the analysis is saying is that the girls are
indexing femaleness (or 'performing' a female identity) by adopting a stance
that's for or against internet use.


Joshua Raclaw
Dept of Linguistics
University of Colorado

Quoting joshua raclaw <Joshua.Raclaw at colorado.edu>:

* Holloway and Valentine are referring to gender in the ideological or
* performative sense - gender being seen as something you accomplish socially
* rather than some inherent quality about you.  Hence the 'doing' a gender
* rather than, say, 'being' a gender.  It cuts the assumption that one's
* phenotypal sex (physiology, hormones, chromosomes) is tied directly to one's
* gender identity.
* That was oversimplified as anything, but hopefully it helped?
* Joshua
* Joshua Raclaw
* Dept of Linguistics
* University of Colorado
* Quoting Andy Roberts <aroberts at gmail.com>:
* * On 28/02/06, Sue Cranmer <sue at jcranmer.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
* * > Also, there's a useful chapter which touches on this in
* * > Cyberkids - Sarah Holloway and Gill Valentine, specifically about how
* young
* * > girls may perform gender by positioning themselves as being for/against
* * > internet use (if my memory serves). I've seen this in my own research
* too.
* *
* * Please could you explain what is meant in this context by  'perform gender'
* ?
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