[Air-l] UW-Seattle Symposium on Social Movements & Online Collective Action

Philip Howard pnhoward at u.washington.edu
Fri Jan 27 14:27:50 PST 2006

Dear AIR:  Kirsten Foot and Deb Kaplan here at UW have put together an
interesting symposium for second Friday in February.  If you are in the
Seattle area you are welcome to attend.
Phil Howard
Dr. Philip N. Howard
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication
University of Washington 


UW Symposium on Social Movements & Online Collective Action

Friday, February 10, 1-5 p.m. in Communication 104 Co-sponsored by the
Center for Communication and Civic Engagement, the Department of
Communication, and the UW Digital Media Working Group

The symposium will consist of two panels with five members each, and
discussion among all participants. Each panel will address a common
question, with each panelist speaking 10 minutes or so from the perspective
of his or her own research, followed by discussion. 


1-1:15 p.m.  Overview & Introductions 

1:15-2:45 p.m. Panel on Online Collective Action 

Moderated by Kirsten Foot, Assistant Professor, Communication

What are some social strategies and digital tools that have been used
effectively (in the organizers perspective) in organizing online collective
action for social and/or political purposes, and what are some that have
failed or backfired?


	Karine Barzilai-Nahon, Assistant Professor, Information School
	Zack Exley, former Director of Special Projects for MoveOn.org
	Danyel Fisher, Researcher, Community Technologies Group, Microsoft
	Philip Howard, Assistant Professor, Communication
	Clifford Tatum, PhD Candidate, Communication

2:45-3:15 p.m.  Refreshments

3:15-4:45 p.m.  Panel on Social Movements

Moderated by Deborah Kaplan, Assistant Professor, Communication

How are movements (local or transnational, progressive or nationalistic)
reconfiguring the public sphere in the face of globalization and global
flows of capital, cultural production, information and people?


	Lance Bennett, Professor, Political Science and Communication
	Maria Garrido, PhD Candidate, Communication
	Taso Lagos, Lecturer, Communication
	Steve Pfaff, Associate Professor, Sociology
	Leah Sprain, Graduate student, Communication

4:45-5:00 p.m.  Wrap-up


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