[Air-l] subcultures and the internet

O'Riordan, Kate k.oriordan at lancaster.ac.uk
Thu Jun 8 01:55:24 PDT 2006


My immediate thoughts - so probably nothing new for you here:

 - although the 'subcultures' section in the Cybercultutures Reader (Bell and Kennedy 2000) is probably too obvious to mention, many of the writers in this have written around this area more extensively (e.g. Terranova, Sardar, Wakeford, Tsang etc), much of the early cybercultures and technoculture stuff could be framed in terms of 'subculture' in some ways.  'The Subcultures Reader' (Gelder and Thornton) and 'Clubcultures'  (Redmond) has likewise contributors who have written more widely on this - and for more up to date work there is the 'Post-Subcultures Reader' also (Muggleton and Weinzierl), more recent 'cyberactivism' literature also has intersections with this area.

Hope these might be of some use - also re 'paralell cultures'  the older Birmingham (and Chicago) cultural studies work is still relevant. 

All the best

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