[Air-l] Fwd: Call for proposals & NET Institute conference on 4/21/06
Dan L Burk
burkx006 at umn.edu
Wed Mar 22 12:03:37 PST 2006
Of interest. DLB
On 22 Mar 2006, ECONOMIDES, Nicholas wrote:
> Dear Colleague,
> I am writing for two reasons. First, to announce a call for
> proposals for Summer 2006 grants by the NET Institute,
> http://www.NETinst.org . For a fourth year, the NET Institute will
> fund a number of scientific research projects in the areas of network
> industries, including telecommunications, wired and wireless
> networks, "virtual networks," electronic commerce, and the Internet.
> Proposed research may be either theoretical or empirical, and may
> also analyze issues of public policy. The deadline for proposal
> submissions is May 25, 2006. Details on the requirements are at
> http://www.netinst.org/call_for_proposals_2006.htm . Please
> distribute this information to researchers who may be interested to
> get funding for their research in these subjects.
> Second, I want to remind you of the third annual NET Institute
> conference on network economics at the Stern School of Business on
> April 21, 2006. Please see the conference outline at
> http://www.NETinst.org/2006_conference.htm and RSVP to
> Nicole McDermet mailto:nmcderme at stern.nyu.edu .
> The Networks, Electronic Commerce and Telecommunications Institute
> (NET Institute) is a non-profit institution devoted to research on
> network industries, telecommunications, the Internet, "virtual
> networks" comprised of computers that share the same technical
> standard or operating system, electronic commerce, and on network
> issues in general. The NET Institute functions as a world-wide focal
> point for research, open exchange and dissemination of ideas in these
> areas. For more information see http://www.NETinst.org/ .
> Best regards,
> Nick
> **********************************************
> Prof. Nicholas Economides
> Stern School of Business
> 44 West 4th Street, New York, NY 10012-1126
> tel. (917) 776-8777, (212) 998-0864, fax (212) 995-4218
> mailto:ECONOMIDES at stern.nyu.edu
> http://www.stern.nyu.edu/networks/
> Executive Director, NET Institute
> http://www.NETinst.org/
> **********************************************
>Dan L. Burk
Oppenheimer, Wolff & Donnelly Professor
University of Minnesota Law School
229 19th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA
Voice: 612-626-8726
Fax: 612-625-2011
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