[Air-l] teens and myspace

Radhika Gajjala radhika at cyberdiva.org
Thu Mar 2 04:48:58 PST 2006

So the "geeks" moved there;-)

and the "socially cool" people move to myspace and facebook...

anyway - I use the MOO still in my teaching (as well as other newer stuff) 
and similar comparisons come up depending on how long the student has been 
using internet environments.
Of course a lot of the facebook generation hasnt even heard or seen a 
"MOO"  and that allows me to look at the internet consumer/shopper (this 
lot is generally just happy to use dreamweaver or something to build a 
website, taking "the Internet" as given - as a social space for consumption 
and quick service - without really peeking in at the code side of web 
building activity) vs active internet producer wannabes (not coder - since 
using MOOs does not involve actual back end coding)

some sweeping generalizations

no "data"


At 11:42 AM 3/1/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>and while they find it normal to have relationships there,
>they think that people who made friends in LambdaMoo must be really
>weird, socially inept weirdos and that online communities are a thing of
>the past (not realizing that they are, indeed, part of one themselves).

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