[Air-l] BIOS: The Poetics of Life in Digital Media, 9/15-9/17

Charles Baldwin Charles.Baldwin at mail.wvu.edu
Fri Sep 8 05:57:45 PDT 2006

BIOS: The Poetics of Life in Digital Media, West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV. September 15-17, 2006. More information, including a
complete schedule at: http://clc.as.wvu.edu:8080/clc//bios_flyer

BIOS: The Poetics of Life in Digital Media is an interdisciplinary
symposium gathering artists and scholars to WVU for an exploration of
the re-invention of life in digital media. The program combines talks
and creative work / performances along broad and inclusive lines. 

Hosted by the Center for Literary Computing and the Division of Art at
West Virginia University. Part of the E-Poetry Symposia and Festivals.
Co-organized with the Electronic Poetry Center and Digital Media Studies
Program (SUNY-Buffalo). Support from the WVU Department of English, the
Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, and the Department of Art. All
events are free and open to the public.

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