[Air-l] Open access social science publishing - coming to the UK

David Brake d.r.brake at lse.ac.uk
Thu Sep 21 03:37:44 PDT 2006

As Alex Halavais suggested recently if the NSF insisted that projects  
it funded publish online it would make a big difference I thought I  
would point out that in the UK recently the ESRC (a very large UK  
funder of social science research) among others has announced  
something close to this, to take effect in a few weeks.


It would definitely be worthwhile for readers of this list to check  
out http://www.esrcsocietytoday.ac.uk/ from time to time.

As an aside the British Academy has just come out with a report  
critical of the way copyright is enforced in the UK (at least insofar  
as it interferes with academic work).


David Brake, Doctoral Student in Media and Communications, London  
School of Economics & Political Science
Also see http://davidbrake.org/ (home page), http://blog.org/  
(personal weblog) and http://get.to/lseblog (academic groupblog)
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