[Air-l] A DistributedTeach-In on Guantanamo

Ralf Bendrath bendrath at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Fri Sep 22 13:43:07 PDT 2006

David M Silver wrote:
> On October 5, 2006, there will be a national teach-in called Guantanamo:
> How Should We Respond?
And what does this have to do with Internet research? Not that I like 
Guantanamo, but I also dislike abusing listservs for other purposes.

> This teach-in is truly national.
...and this list is international, or not?


Ralf Bendrath

Dipl. Pol. Ralf Bendrath
Universität Bremen
Sonderforschungsbereich 597 "Staatlichkeit im Wandel"
Linzer Str. 9a, D-28359 Bremen, Germany
Tel.  +49 (421) 218-8735
Fax   +49 (421) 218-8721
official http://www.state.uni-bremen.de
personal http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~bendrath
blog     http://bendrath.blogspot.com

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