[Air-l] Brisbane Conference: Changes to the Participatory Pedagogies Panel (Fri, 29 Sept, 12.45 - 14.15)

radhika gajjala radhika at cyberdiva.org
Sun Sep 24 13:36:14 PDT 2006


I am so sorry to be missing this !

sounds like it might be useful to me in what I am trying to in my 
class this semester too.

hopefully someone will blog, podcast or vodcast parts of the discussions.


>Hi All,
>(Apols to those getting this email not attending the conference.)
>Due to circumstances beyond his control, one of the panelists in the
>"Participatory Pedagogies Convergence and the Extended Blogosphere" is
>unable to attend the conference this week.  Adrian Miles and I will
>still be presenting our papers -- "Networked knowledge objects
>(videographic pedagogy for new knowledges" and "iPodium: Student
>podcasting and participatory pedagogies" -- as planned, but in the
>latter half of our session (12.45 - 14.15 in the Lockyer Room) we
>would like to hold a more informal and wide-ranging discussion around
>participatory cultural tools and approaches (blogs, podcasts, vlogs,
>IMing, social bookmarking, etc.) and their place in higher education.
>Anyone at the conference is more than welcome to participate, but can
>I especially urge those people doing interesting and innovative things
>with social software in their teaching to join the conversation if you
>possibly can!
>See you all in Brisbane in a few days!
>Dr Tama Leaver
>Associate Lecturer (Higher Education Development)
>Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (M400)
>University of  Western Australia
>35 Stirling Highway
>Crawley WA 6009 Australia
>Ph:  (+61 8) 6488 1502
>Fax: (+61 8) 6488 1156
>email: tama.leaver at uwa.edu.au
>www: http://www.catl.uwa.edu.au
>blog: http://ponderance.blogspot.com
>edublog: http://tama.edublogs.org
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Radhika Gajjala


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