[Air-l] webcamera

Birgit Hertzberg Kaare b.h.kaare at media.uio.no
Mon Apr 23 02:13:07 PDT 2007

Hello everyone,

One of my students, Helle Jacobsen, who is a sociologist, wants to write 
her master thesis on the use of webcameras among young people. She writes:

"I'm interested in any research related to kids/teenagers' use of 
webcamera in 1:1 conversations through instant messaging services such 
as Skype and MSN Messenger. How many have webcameras, who has them, how 
often do they use them, who do they have webcamera conversations with 
and who do they avoid, what type of content do they produce/share, are 
there any gender specific patterns etc.

I'm (also) interested in research related to kids/teenagers' use of MMS. 
Who sends and who receives MMSes and what type of content do 
respectively boys/girls share with whom? "

If anyone would like to answer her, I would be happy to forward your 


Birgit Hertzberg Kaare

Birgit Hertzberg Kaare
Professor, dr. Philos
Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon
Gaustadall. 21
Postboks 1093 Blindern
N-0317 Oslo
Tlf: 47 22850413
E-post: b.h.kaare at media.uio.no

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