[Air-l] on journals ...

Amy S. Bruckman asb at cc.gatech.edu
Wed Apr 25 22:08:28 PDT 2007

> 3. This, btw, is my big beef at AoIR conferences -- not enough refereeing.
> It's not nice to waste people's time with poorly researched and poorly
> written papers.

I'm so glad you said this Barry--I agree.  It would be easy to fix: we
just need to require full papers rather than abstracts, and actually
have folks review them.

Of course we still have issues to resolve based on the fact that
people come from different home disciplines and have different
expectations of what a conference paper is and what it counts for.
(Does it 'count' for tenure?  Can you expand it into a journal
article, or does it count as already published?)  Those are important
to address.  But eventually we will become people's home discipline,
and I'd rather see the bar set higher for what a conference paper is
supposed to be.



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