[Air-l] Ph.D. student is looking for a good home for his Thesis

Marj Kibby Marj.Kibby at newcastle.edu.au
Thu Apr 5 19:00:29 PDT 2007

If a student transfers their Doctoral program to my institution, in
Australia, the degree cannot be awarded within two years. All Australian
universities would require that a significant amount of the program be
undertaken with them, before allowing the thesis to be submitted for

Most have supervisory teams to minimise the chance of irresolvable
conflict. All I know of would bend over backwards to find solutions to a
problem rather than lose a PhD student. RHD completions = money.


Dr Marjorie Kibby, 
Senior Lecturer in Communication & Culture
Faculty of Education and Arts
The University of Newcastle,  Callaghan NSW 2308 Australia
Marj.Kibby at newcastle.edu.au
+61 2 49216604
>>> Lisa Lynch <l.lynch at mindspring.com> 04/06/07 11:24 AM >>>
Semantics aside, doesn't this request strike anyone as a bit odd?   
I'm genuinely perplexed: I can't imagine a doctoral program taking on  
a late-stage student on these terms.  Is there something I don't  
understand about Australian universities?

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