[Air-l] how to pin down web 2.0

Amy S. Bruckman asb at cc.gatech.edu
Fri Apr 20 11:51:35 PDT 2007

To pop up a level a bit in the conversation....
Do folks here actually use the term?
Should we all use it or not?

The Wikipedia definition says Web 2.0 sites are ones that "that
facilitate collaboration and sharing between users."  My reaction to
that is: um, what did you think the web was doing before?   =:-)



Amy Bruckman
Associate Professor
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA  30332-0760

Tel: 	404-894-9222
Fax: 	404-894-3146
Email: 	asb at cc.gatech.edu
Web:	http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~asb/

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