[Air-l] on journals ...

Christian Fuchs christian.fuchs at sbg.ac.at
Thu Apr 26 04:09:45 PDT 2007

Amy S. Bruckman schrieb:
>> 3. This, btw, is my big beef at AoIR conferences -- not enough refereeing.
>> It's not nice to waste people's time with poorly researched and poorly
>> written papers.
> I'm so glad you said this Barry--I agree.  It would be easy to fix: we
> just need to require full papers rather than abstracts, and actually
> have folks review them.
> Of course we still have issues to resolve based on the fact that
> people come from different home disciplines and have different
> expectations of what a conference paper is and what it counts for.
> (Does it 'count' for tenure?  Can you expand it into a journal
> article, or does it count as already published?)  Those are important
> to address.  But eventually we will become people's home discipline,
> and I'd rather see the bar set higher for what a conference paper is
> supposed to be.

given the condition that full papers are submitted and reviewed in 
detail, it would be necessary to edit proceedings that are
distributed at the aoir conference (or online) because otherwise there 
would be no motivation for people to submit full papers.

the current procedure, to upload the full papers to the conference 
website and to give password-access to conference attendents and to 
require each attendent to submit a full paper also
doesn't seem very promising to me.

peer-reviewing sometimes is like throwing dice because not only are 
there too many bad papers, but also too many bad reviewers.


> Amy
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Univ.Ass. Dr. Christian Fuchs

Assistant Professor for Internet and Society

ICT&S Center - Advanced Studies and Research

in Information and Communication Technologies & Society


University of Salzburg

Sigmund Haffner Gasse 18

5020 Salzburg


christian.fuchs at sbg.ac.at

Phone +43 662 8044 4823

Fax   +43 662 6389 4800




Managing Editor of tripleC - peer reviewed open access

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