[Air-L] public private

elw at stderr.org elw at stderr.org
Fri Aug 10 10:40:26 PDT 2007

> So .... IF your ARB has looked at the protocol and says "this is
> purely observational, or records, etc. and is untraceable to the
> source, so therefore meets the conditions of the exempt categories
> for observational research" THEN one's pretty much in the clear
> without permission from subjects IF that's what the board agreed to.

We've had precisely *no* trouble getting blanket exceptions from our IRB 
for public weblog data.  Either for citation purposes, or for using 

They seem to agree with us in thinking that public blogging should be 
covered by the same standards as any other public utterance or 

Most social science or comm-centric projects should just get IRB 
permission out of habit.  It is a good practice to follow.

I think maybe you are tilting at windmills, a little, too...


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