[Air-L] The Spiders will find you (was wayback machine waspublic/private)

Jeremy Hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Tue Aug 14 17:55:06 PDT 2007

yes, i expect your mom, like my mom, to be able to become comfortable  
with blogging over a period of time, to be able to master what skills  
they desire to have, and from there to make decisions.  uber bloggers  
don't happen over night, but then... all you really have to do is  
give your mom a copy of "Rule the Web" and that pretty much puts it  
as simply and easily as you can get...  my assumption here is that if  
you want to write on the web... you can likely read.  In the case  
that people using the web cannot read, we have a significant ethical  
problem centering around capacities, but that isn't the case for  
bloggers I'd posit.
On Aug 14, 2007, at 7:09 PM, Michael Zimmer wrote:

> yes, but again, we're assuming the uber-blogger. Let's say my Mom
> starts a blog, must we expect her to master password settings and the
> like? Do only the technically-proficient benefit from protections,
> rather than the average (or below) publishers of web content? -mz

jeremy hunsinger
Information Ethics Fellow, Center for Information Policy Research,  
School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee  


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