[Air-L] public/private [part 2 of 2]

Lois Ann Scheidt lscheidt at indiana.edu
Mon Aug 13 04:23:18 PDT 2007

Ed and anyone else who is interested, a few published citations that
might help you understand the points that several of us have made
repeatedly throughout this thread and which are based in sound ethical
and human subjects knowledge and experience.

Keep up the debate folks, we never should accept "rules" proforma, but
open your minds to what others are saying...we do this work as
well...and even if the writer doesn't sport a PhD after their name,
they may still have information that can help you...assuming that is
really your goal.

I have given authors full names to make searching for these citations
easier.  This list is not exhaustive by any means - in fact I know
there are at least two books waiting to be entered into my reference
program - but it is the citation list I use regularly in my teaching
and my research.

Reference List

Bassett, E. H. & O'Riodan, Kathleen (2001, December). Ethics of
Internet Research: Contesting the Human Subjects Research Model. In.
Lancaster UK: Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiries (CEPE).
Retrieved from

Bruckman, Amy S. (2001, December). Studying the Amateur Artist:  A
Perspective on Disguising Data Collected in Human Subjects Research on
the Internet. In. Lancaster UK: Computer Ethics: Philosophical
Enquiries (CEPE).  Retrieved from

Capurro, Rafael & Pingel, Christoph (2001, December). Ethical Issues of
Online Communication Research. In. Lancaster UK: Computer Ethics:
Philosophical Enquiries (CEPE).  Retrieved December 14, 2001, from

Efimova, Lilia (2005, October). Not documenting, doing: blogging as
research. Presented at the meeting of the Internet Research 6.0:
Internet Generations, Association of Internet Researchers, Chicago IL.
Retrieved October 14, 2005, from

Elgesem, Dag (2001, December). What is special about the ethical issues
in online research? In. Lancaster UK: Computer Ethics: Philosophical
Enquiries (CEPE).  Retrieved December 14, 2001, from

Ess, Charles (2001, December). Internet Research Ethics Introduction.
In. Lancaster UK: Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiries (CEPE).
Retrieved December 14, 2001, from

Ess, Charles (2004). The cathedral or bazaar?  The AoIR document on
internet research ethics as an exercise in open source ethics. In Mia
Consalvo, Nancy K. Baym, Jeremy Hunsinger, Klaus Bruhn Jensen, John
Logie, Monica Murero, & Leslie Regan Shade (Eds.), Internet Research
Annual:  Selected Papers from the Association of Internet Researchers
Conferences 2000-2002 (pp. 95-103). New York: Peter Lang.

Ess, Charles (2005). International Restrictions Affecting Internet
Research:  Conflicts, Risks, Resolutions? Charles Ess's Academic
Homepage. Retrieved July 5, 2005, from

Ess, Charles. (2005, June 12). Re: [Air-l] ethical issues in chat room
Frankel, Mark S. & Siang, Sanyin (1999). Ethical and legal aspects of
human subjects research in cyberspace:  Report of a Workshop. American
Association for the Advancement of Science. Retrieved from

Jones, Robert Alun (1994). Internet research (Online). Internet
Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy, 4(3)

King, Storm A. (1996, June). Researching internet communities:
Proposed ethical guidelines for the reporting of results. The
Information Society, 12(2), 119-127

Morris, Jeremy and Middleton, Catherine (2005, October). The Net
Generation? Exploring the Complexities of Innovation Adoption among
Youth. Presented at the meeting of the Internet Research 6.0:  Internet
Generations, Association of Internet Researchers, Chicago IL. Retrieved
October 19, 5 A.D., from

Sharf, Barbara F. (1999). Beyond Netiquette:  The ethics of doing
naturalistic discourse research on the internet. In Steven G. Jones
(Ed.), Doing Internet Research (pp. 243-256). Thousand Oaks CA: Sage

Thomas, Jim (2003). Reexamining the Ethics of internet Research:
Facing the Challenge of Overzealous Oversight. In Mark D. Johns,
Shing-Ling Sarina Chen, & G. Jon Hall (Eds.), Online Social Research:
Methods, Issues, & Ethics (pp. 187-202). New York: Peter Lang.

Walther, Joseph B. (2001, December). Research Ethics in
Internet-Enabled Research:  Human Subjects Issues and Methodological
Myopia. In. Lancaster UK: Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiries
(CEPE).  Retrieved December 14, 2001, from

White, Michele (2001, December). Representations or People? In.
Lancaster UK: Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiries (CEPE).
Retrieved December 14, 2001, from

Lois Ann Scheidt

Doctoral Student - School of Library and Information Science, Indiana
University, Bloomington IN USA

Adjunct Instructor - School of Informatics, IUPUI, Indianapolis IN USA and
IUPUC, Columbus IN USA

Webpage:  http://www.loisscheidt.com
Blog:  http://www.professional-lurker.com

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