[Air-L] Call For Papers

Radhika Gajjala radhika at cyberdiva.org
Sat Aug 18 09:45:43 PDT 2007

Call for Papers: Edited Collection on Digital Embodiment,  
Performativity and Globalization

Title: Everyday 3D Lives: Digital Embodiment, Performativity and  

Editor : Radhika Gajjala

[ http://personal.bgsu.edu/~radhik ]

In the recent past, there has been much talk of “web 2.0 “ and “web  
3D” as new media. Educators and researchers all over the world are  
debating the pros and cons of such environments. MMORPGs (Massive(ly)  
multiplayer online role-playing games) such as World of Warcraft  
(WoW) and online 3D environments for social and economic activity.  
Immersive environments such as secondlife are being examined from  
multiple disciplinary lenses. This edited will include articles based  
in examinations of embodiment, performativity, gender, race, class,  
ethnicity, sexuality and globalization critically, and will be open  
to multiple disciplinary intersections.

for more info on this call - see http://cyberdiva.org/blog/2007/08/18/ 

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