[Air-L] Youth Internet Use and Digital Divide

greenhow at umn.edu greenhow at umn.edu
Wed Aug 22 09:46:50 PDT 2007


I'm a researcher at the University of Minnesota and am looking for reports 
of young people's Internet use that address issues of equity (esp., 
differences by socioeconomic status).

I'm especially looking for reports that profile young people's access to 
the Internet, location of use, range of Internet technologies used, purpose 
of uses, self-reported proficiency. Reports that look at young people's 
Internet use in educational settings are also welcome.

I am familiar with Pew and NCES...do you know of others, either completed 
or in-progress?

Thank you for any referrals!

Christine Greenhow, Ed.D.
Postdoctoral Associate
Learning Technologies
College of Education and Human Development
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Phone: 651-226-4015
Email: greenhow at umn.edu
Program Affiliations: www.admissionpossible.org
Profile: www.linkedin.com

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