[Air-L] World Information Access Project, 2007 Data Memos

Philip Howard pnhoward at u.washington.edu
Sun Aug 26 13:16:29 PDT 2007

Dear AIR:  A series of short data memos from the World Information Access
Project are now online at www.wiareport.org.  Topics include -

The World's Libraries Online
The Urban Digital Divide I: Global Cities v. Regional Centers
The Urban Digital Divide II: Rich v. Poor Cities
National Dependency in the Information Age
Has Privatization Contributed to the Relative Decline of Internet Hosts
Muslim Political Parties Grow Online

In addition, a there is *.pdf version of the briefing booklet we are sending
out to journalists, academics and policy makers.  It includes a particularly
cool map "Wired Countries of the World" with a original comparative data
about wired governments, political parties, libraries and civic groups in
190 countries.


Many people from this list are already on the mailing list and will be
getting a hardcopy of this map in the mail.  But if this looks particularly
interesting, send me an email and I'll happily make sure one is posted to

Dr. Philip N. Howard
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication
University of Washington 

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