[Air-L] help on africa and computer donations

David Brake d.r.brake at lse.ac.uk
Tue Aug 28 06:11:23 PDT 2007

Charles Kenny has some provocative things to say about the likely  
utility of computers for developing countries as well.  Quite a bit  
of it is freely available online through his blog, and he writes  
quite clearly, so this might be a good place for a skeptical African  
to start:


He's put out a book recently as well - Overselling the Web?:  
Development And the Internet

David Brake, Doctoral Student in Media and Communications, London  
School of Economics & Political Science
Also see http://davidbrake.org/ (home page), http://blog.org/  
(personal weblog) and http://get.to/lseblog (academic groupblog)
Author of Dealing With E-Mail - <http://davidbrake.org/ 
callto://DavidBrake (Skype.com's Instant Messenger and net phone)

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