[Air-L] OII Summer Doctoral Programme 2008 - Web Science

Vicki Nash victoria.nash at oii.ox.ac.uk
Wed Dec 19 08:46:08 PST 2007

Dear colleagues, 
We are pleased to announce that the application process for the OII's 6th
Summer Doctoral programme is now open. Organised for the first time in
collaboration with the Web Science Research Initiative
<http://webscience.org> , the Programme (13th-26th July) will focus on
themes around Web Science. Up to 25 places will be available to students at
an advanced stage of their PhD research.

In addition, thanks to a grant from the EPSRC, WSRI has a number of
scholarships available for students at MIT, University of Southampton,
University of Oxford and Harvard University which will support a three-month
period of exchange activities on Web Science, beginning with the Summer
Doctoral programme in Oxford.

Further information on both Programmes can be found on our website at

Best wishes
Vicki Nash

Dr Victoria Nash
Director of Graduate Studies
Oxford Internet Institute
01865 287231


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