[Air-L] Welcome to Copenhagen for the AoIR 2008 conference!

Lisbeth Klastrup klastrup at itu.dk
Thu Dec 20 07:20:28 PST 2007

Dear list-members,
Now that the Call for Papers for the AoIR 2008 conference: Internet Research
9.0: Rethinking community, Rethinking Place
should have been posted to the list

 I will use this opportunity to, as the local conference chair and on
behalf of the local organising committee, extend a warm “welcome all” to the
2008 conference. The conference will physically take place at my home
university, the IT University of Copenhagen (www.itu.dk), and it is
organised in conjunction with the University of Copenhagen, Faculty of
Humanities, which lives right next door.

Even though it will be a longish travel for some of you, I hope that many of
you will be able to make it to Copenhagen to take part in the event. When
sunny weather (which it will of course be!), Scandinavian autumn can still
in the month of October be very beautiful - with temperatures around 10
degree celcius, and Copenhagen is a safe, modern small-scale metropolis
which offers a huge variety of cultural experiences and excellent
opportunities to shop both traditional and up-coming Scandinavian Design.

A version 1.0 of the conference website is also finally available at 
and here you can find some basic information about Copenhagen, the venue,
travel and accommodation (fyi, we have now negotiated some good hotel deals,
that you should partake of!). When we draw closer in time to the conference,
on the website the local committee will also share with you their
suggestions on things to see and places to go wine and dine in Copenhagen
and vicinity.

Also, when going to Denmark, don’t miss the opportunity to also visit the
city of Århus on Tuesday October 14th  in order to participate in our
affiliated one day conference: “Web_site Histories: Theories, Methods,
Analysis “, organised by Niels Brügger and Vidar Falkenberg at the Centre
for Internet Research at the University of Aarhus. For more information,
see: http://www.cfi.au.dk/en/events/upcoming. Århus is an approx. three hour
train ride away from Copenhagen.

Finally, if you have questions of any kind regarding the venue, the country
and the conference organisation, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
ir9conf at itu.dk

Christmas greetings,
Lisbeth Klastrup
Conference Chair

the Local Committee:
Klaus Bruhn Jensen
Gitte Stald
Charlie Breindahl
Stine Gotved
Anna Sommer (academic officer, event coordinator as of January 1st 2008)

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