[Air-L] recorder for Skype: was Re: Giveaway of the day

Rhiannon Bury buryrc at rogers.com
Tue Dec 11 19:27:05 PST 2007

I went there to go the Skype Recorder as recommended here. Unfortunately 
I couldn't get it to work. My partner  tried the demo version on one of 
our calls and  all he got was barely intelligible noise! We  then tried 
at least 3 others, including PAM.

Has anyone here found a recorder that they have used to produce a 
quality recording, good enough to be transcribed by someone other than 



elw at stderr.org wrote:

>>If you don't already monitor the Giveaway of the Day site I suggest you 
>>start doing so...they give away lots of software that could be useful 
>>for research purposes.  Oh and when you install do read the txt file for 
>>activation information.

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