[Air-L] snide, cute, ignorant, surprising

Muhammad Abdul-Mageed mumageed at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 16 20:00:19 PST 2007

ditto! But also agree that we are not flawless, as has been suggested earlier. Danah is an active researcher and I as well as a number of friends with similar interests like her work, as much as wee enjoy and benefit from the discussions in this list. The recent JCMC issue was valuable and we enjoyed it in Susan Herring's CMC class. Perhaps the case is simply that Baym's father's words about journalists are perfectly right, and just reminiscent of some of these journalists' early accounts for CMC communities, language, etc. 

    Keep up the good work Danah, and everybody!

Muhammad Abdul-Mageed,
Dept. of Linguistics,
Indiana University, Bloomington,

Radhika Gajjala <radhika at cyberdiva.org> wrote: ditto!

On Dec 16, 2007, at 9:43 PM, Paul Emerson Teusner wrote:

> Hey Danah,
> Don't beat yourself up mate. So much of this was out of your control.
> paul emerson teusner
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