[Air-l] Media Anthropology

Philipp Budka philbu at gmx.net
Wed Jul 11 07:38:18 PDT 2007

Dear Colleagues,

Since 2004 the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Media Anthropology Network is discussing working papers about socio-cultural aspects of media technology uses within the scope of e-seminars via the Network's mailing list. Some of these papers and discussions address internet technologies from a range of different perspectives: http://www.media-anthropology.net/workingpapers.htm

The website of the Network also provides annotated bibliographies, information about media anthropology events, and selected discussions from the mailing list as PDF documents. 

More information at: http://www.media-anthropology.net

All the best,


Philipp Budka
philbu at gmx.net
Dreyhausenstraße 18/7
A-1140 Wien, Austria

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