[Air-l] Is all Communication Commercial?

Denise N. Rall denrall at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 22 20:33:12 PDT 2007

More thoughts on ICE-T in addition to what others have
said -

It did occur to me that the word exchange is possibly
being misconstrued as necessarily connected to

All internet transactions are based on exchange. No
exchange, no net. 

So ICT clearly includes exchange, just not the
profit-making part of the equation. 

Could it be that simple?

Cheers, Denise

Denise N. Rall, PhD
Southern Cross University, Lismore NSW 2480 AUSTRALIA 
Tues: Room T2.17, +61 (0)2 6620 3577 Mobile 0438 233 344 
Virtual member, Cybermetrics Group, University of Wolverhampton, UK

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