[Air-l] viewing American class divisions through Facebook andMySpace

nsenga at mediom.qc.ca nsenga at mediom.qc.ca
Mon Jul 2 08:27:29 PDT 2007

Hello, Christian and everybody!

You wrote:

"basically there are two possibilities: a marxist notion of class 
connects the concept to exploitation, a weberian notion to 
life-situation, life-style, etc."

What about a third view, simply descriptive of the core of the entire
(human) social life? That of Veblen's distinction between the class of
those engaged in daily bread-earning activities on one hand, and on the
other the class of those involved (or aspiring to be) in "conspicuous 
consumption". I guess both FB and MS people would then 
belong to the second same class, as mere sub-classes!

François Nsenga
Montréal, Canada

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