[Air-l] web science, or AoIR by any other name

James Whyte whyte.james at yahoo.com
Fri May 4 11:06:16 PDT 2007

Yet another vocabulary issue! Boundaries abound. By the way, each is an ontological commitment.

Ulf-Dietrich Reips <ureips at genpsy.unizh.ch> wrote:
  Just to add another term: Internet science ("iScience").
Please check out the book "Dimensions of Internet 
and the iScience server at 

As it says on the book site: "Internet Science is 
a new and exciting interdisciplinary field. Its 
purpose is the conduct of empirical studies which 
examine the Internet as both an instrument for, 
and an object of, scientific investigation."
The instrument aspect and the empirical focus, in 
particular, seem to distinguish the definition 
from those for "Internet research" and "web 

Best wishes --u

At 12:46 Uhr -0400 4.5.2007, Amy S. Bruckman wrote:
> > Do folks here see "Web Science" becoming a part of AoIR?
>We're starting a Web Science initiative in the College of Computing at
>Georgia Tech. We interpret the term broadly to mean "the
>interdisciplinary study of the Web." (Not just semantic web stuff.)
>Compared to the kinds of things the AoIR community usually addresses,
>I would say we're a bit broader because we include more core computer
>science. Part of our reason for calling it "web science" instead of
>"Internet research" is to appeal to the folks coming from the hard side
>of computer science.
>One of our goals is to increase communication across disciplines. For
>example, we had a great conversation at a faculty meeting yesterday
>about the "interestingness" algorithm on flickr, and how this might
>reflect a new view of algorithms that draws together our social
>computing and theoretical computer science faculty in a new way. And
>if we can draw in our economics, public policy, "new media",
>etc. folks too... then this starts to look interesting!
>So basically I see "Internet research" and "web science" becoming synonyms in
>the long run.
>YMMV :-)
>-- Amy

PD Dr. Ulf-Dietrich Reips

Past President, Society for Computers 
in Psychology (http://scip.ws)
Editor, International Journal of 
Internet Science (http://www.ijis.net)
*new address*
Universität Zürich
Psychologisches Institut 
Binzmühlestr. 14/13
8050 Zürich, Switzerland

iScience portal (http://psych-iscience.unizh.ch/)
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