[Air-l] laptops and Internet access in class

Mark D. Johns mjohns at luther.edu
Mon May 21 17:10:01 PDT 2007

Dr. Steve Eskow wrote:
> ...
> If I were in your position, without tenure and with an institutional climate 
> that doesn't allow for differences in practice, I would undooubtedly do as 
> you are doing--in order to collect my paycheck. I will think about whether I 
> would defend those  practices--compulsory attendance, "points" awarded and 
> deducted, etc.-- in public....

Gee, and just the other day I was chiding my friends on this list for 
taking troll bait, and now look at how I've spent my day! Only a true 
ivory tower academic would vilify the notion that an education ought to 
actually help prepare students to bear some responsibility for their 
actions and inactions. I have better things to do than to read further 
condescending posts.

No more time to play this game. There's work to be done.
Mark D. Johns, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Head of the
  Department of Communication Studies
Luther College, Decorah, Iowa USA
"Get the facts first. You can distort them later."
     ---Mark Twain

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