[Air-l] Technology Transforming Education--EE-Learning

Marj Kibby Marj.Kibby at newcastle.edu.au
Tue May 22 18:02:48 PDT 2007

This is not what I think 'hybrid' learning is. I'd describe this as
'web-supported learning'. 

In hybrid learning the online and f2f components are equal in value,
both are essential components of the learning experience. An example
would be where students have f2f instruction for two weeks, then
undertake group projects or problem solving, using online communication,
reference sharing, file sharing ... Engaging in learning experiences
that are difficult or inconvenient in the classroom, or more effective


Dr Marjorie Kibby, 
Senior Lecturer in Communication & Culture
Faculty of Education and Arts
The University of Newcastle,  Callaghan NSW 2308 Australia
Marj.Kibby at newcastle.edu.au
+61 2 49216604
>>> "Dr. Steve Eskow" <drseskow at cox.net> 05/23/07 10:30 AM >>>

"Blended" or "hybrid" learning continues to be shaped by the classroom,
uses ICT to enrich classroom-dominated ways of learning.

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