[Air-l] Digg user 'riot' going on now

Kevin Guidry krguidry at gmail.com
Wed May 2 09:16:32 PDT 2007

On 5/2/07, Christine Moellenberndt <chris at inreach.com> wrote:
> This is a HUGE thing for online communities in my experience... the
> threat of your favourite site selling out not only their morals, but you
> in the process.  I think that's a big reason why we saw the reaction
> from Digg'ers that we saw last  night and today.

   Compare with the similar experience Slashdot went through several
years ago when Jon Katz announced that he was going to (or perhaps
already had done so - can't recall) publish users' comments in one of
his books without attribution or permission.  That seemed to be more
of an ownership and copyright issue than a "selling out" issue but if
your assertions are correct then there are some similarities.


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