[Air-l] Can User Centred Design be Harmful?

Radhika Gajjala radhika at cyberdiva.org
Mon May 7 05:32:10 PDT 2007

Perhaps instead of thinking of "user centred" and individual centric  
- we need to conceptualize a community and context based  
understanding of "userS"?

On May 7, 2007, at 7:46 AM, Jeremy Hunsinger wrote:

> A short report from usability news about a workshop at chi 2007.
> http://www.usabilitynews.com/news/article3882.asp
> "A critical observation was that in these settings, the idea of a
> single user owning and interacting with a single device, around some
> individually oriented task, is often inappropriate. Instead, systems
> are more often shared and used by communities, and their objectives
> are also geared to development and growth of the community."

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