[Air-L] Migrant internet use refs compiled

Andrew Whelan amj.whelan at gmail.com
Sat Nov 3 10:07:41 PDT 2007

Hi all,
Below is everything we got so far on migrants' internet use. The
search was tilted towards the Irish context, but hopefully some of
these may come in handy for others. Thanks to everyone who contributed
to the list!

    Adeniyi, Abiodun Gabriel. 2007. Nigerian diaspora and the virtual
construction of identity. Text of paper prepared for the Institute of
Communications Studies (ICS) post-graduate conference holding
18.05.2007. Institute of Communications Studies, University of Leeds

 Antonova, Slavka. 2000.  Women Immigrants in Montreal and Internet.
Studio XX (http://projets.studioxx.org/projets/TaT/english/analysis.pdf).
 Bernal, Victoria. 2006. "Diaspora, cyberspace and political
imagination: the Eritrean diaspora online."  Global Networks vol. 6,
no. 2: 161-179.

 Chan, Brenda. 2006. "Virtual Communities and Chinese National
Identity."Journal of Chinese Overseas  vol. 2, no. 1: 1-32.

 Cotter, Gertrude. 2004. A Guide to Published Research on Refugees,
Asylum-Seekers and Immigrants in Ireland. Integrating Ireland

Cullen, Paul. 2002. Refugees and Asylum-Seekers in Ireland. Cork
University Press.

Ejorh, Theophilus. N.d.. Immigration and Citizenship: African
Immigrants in Ireland . UCD Migration and Citizenship Research
Initiative (http://www.ucd.ie/mcri/immigration_and_citizenship.pdf).

Fung, Anthony. 2002. "Identity politics, resistance and new media
technologies: a Foucauldian approach to the study of the HKnet." New
Media & Society vol. 4, no. 2: 185-204.

Georgiou, Myria. 2003. Diasporic Communities On-Line: A Bottom-Up
Experience of Transnationalism . Paper presented at the annual meeting
of the International Communication Association, Marriott Hotel, San
Diego, CA, May 27, 2003

Georgiou, Myria. 2003. Mapping Diasporic Media across the EU:
Addressing Cultural Exclusion . London School of Economics and
Political Science

 Hughes, Gerard, and Emma Quinn. 2004. The Impact of Immigration on
Europe's Societies: Ireland. European Migration Network (

Kanat, Kilic. 2005. "Ethnic Media and politics: The case of the use of
the internet by Uyghur diaspora." First Monday  vol. 10, no. 7

Leung, Linda. 2005.  Virtual Ethnicity: Race, Resistance and the World
Wide Web. London: Ashgate.

Lien, Pei-te. 2006. "Transnational Homeland Concerns and Participation
in US Politics: A Comparison among Immigrants from China, Taiwan, and
Hong Kong." Journal of Chinese Overseas vol. 2, no. 1: 56-78.

McLaughlin, W. Sean. 2003. "The use of the Internet for political
action by non-state dissident actors in the Middle East"  First Monday
vol. 8, no.11 (http://www.uic.edu/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/1096/1016

Meredyth, Denise, Julian Thomas, Scott Ewing, and Liza Hopkins. 2006.
Wired High Rise: A Community Based Computer Network. Swinburne
Institute for Social Research, Melbourne (

Miller, Daniel and Don Slater. 2001. The Internet: An Ethnographic
Approach . Oxford: Berg.
 Panagakos, Anastasia, and Heather Horst. 2006. "Return to Cyberia:
technology and the social worlds of transnational migrants." Global
Networks vol. 6 no. 2: 109–124.

Shi, Y.. 2005. "Identity construction of the Chinese Diaspora, ethnic
media use, community formation, and the possibility of social
activism." Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies vol. 19,
no.1: 55-72.

Titley, Gavan. 2003. "Cultivating Habitats of Meaning - Broadcasting,
Participation and Interculturalism."  Irish Communications Review vol.
9 (http://www.icr.dit.ie/volume9/articles/Titley.pdf).

Ugba, Abel. 2002.  Mapping Minorities and their Media: The National
Context – Ireland. Contribution to an EU project on "Diasporic
Minorities and their Media in the EU"

Ugba, Abel. 2005. Active Civic Participation of Immigrants in Ireland
. Country Report prepared for the European research project POLITIS,
Oldenburg (www.uni-oldenburg.de/politis-europe).

Van Den Bos, Mathijs. 2006 "Territorial bounds to virtual space:
transnational online and offline networks of Iranian and
Turkish–Kurdish immigrants in the Netherlands." Global Networks vol.
6, no. 2:201-220.

Wei, Wu. 1999. "Cyberspace and cultural identity- a case study of
cybercommunity of Chinese students in the United States." In  Civic
Discourse: Intercultural, International and Global Media, edited by
Michael Prosser and K.S. Sitaran. Stamford: Ablex.

White, Elisa. 2002. "Forging African diaspora places in Dublin's
retro-global spaces: Minority making in a new global city."  City:
analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action vol. 6, no.
2, pp. 251-270.

Wong, Loong. 2003. "Belonging and diaspora: the Chinese and the
Internet."  First Monday vol. 8, no. 4

Yau, Nicola. 2007. "Celtic Tiger, Hidden Dragon: exploring identity
among second generation Chinese in Ireland."  Translocations vol. 2,
no. 1 (http://www.imrstr.dcu.ie/currentissue/volume1issue2-4.doc).


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