[Air-L] Call for Papers - AUSWEB 2008

Professor Amanda Spink ah.spink at qut.edu.au
Fri Nov 9 15:12:12 PST 2007

Call for Submissions - AUSWEB 2008
Australasian World Wide Web Conference

This announcement is the formal call for submissions for AusWeb08.
Since its inception, AusWeb has been the primary forum for Australian developers, computer scientists, educators, industry, government and cultural commentators to discuss the rapidly evolving technologies and usage of the Web. In order to contextualise and broaden this discussion, submissions from authors outside Australia are most welcome. AusWeb provides an informal and supportive environment, with the programme designed to facilitate open discussion and debate.
NOTE: the AusWeb series of conferences does not require exclusive assignment of copyright by authors and full papers are refereed to DEST standards.

Possible Topics
For AusWeb08, we are interested in receiving submissions on all aspects of the Web. The following topics are intended to provide an indication of some of the themes which have been discussed at previous AusWeb Conferences:
*Web languages, standards, formats and protocols
*Web-based collaboration
*Web system design and evaluation
*Open source software
*Application of Web technologies to education and / or training
*Social and / or institutional impacts of Web-based education
*eCommerce / eBusiness strategies and issues
*New products / services / experiences and the Web
*New Media Entertainment and the Web
*The impact of the Web on society and / or government
*Libraries / publishing / open access and the Web
*Sociological / cultural studies of the Web
*The Web as an agent of transformation
*Web security

We are also happy to consider submission proposals that do not fit neatly into the above topics. Please note that as this is a Web conference, the submissions will need to have a strong Web component to them.

Initial Submission
In order to make it as easy as possible to submit to AusWeb08, you may make your initial submission in any of the following formats HTML (preferred) or Text or RTF or Word. You do not have to comply with any particular stylesheet at the initial submission phase. If accepted, you will need to supply the final version of your submission as an HTML formatted document using the AusWeb stylesheet which will be made available from the AusWeb08 server.

Refereed Full Papers
Refereed full papers (3,500 to 5,000 words) are designed to allow the presentation of completed research projects, reports of innovative uses of Web technologies in universities, industry, government and cultural institutions such as libraries, archives, publishers and museums, and case histories.
The AusWeb conference series is designed so that refereed full papers are eligible for inclusion in an institution's DEST statistics. This is ensured by the following practices:
The conference is nationally significant, and the promotional material, the speakers and attendees and the program reflect this.
o Papers are independently peer reviewed on the basis of the full paper (rather than just on an abstract) and there will be clear evidence that this is the case, ranging from statements in the promotional material to referees' comments.
o The full paper will be published, not an abstract or digest.
o The proceedings will be available more widely than just to conference delegates on request to the conference office.

Refereeing of papers will be done by members of an expert Review Panel (including international scholars) to DEST refereed conference paper standards using a two-stage double-blind review process. We will try to make this process as quick as possible so that you have as much time as possible to produce the final version of your paper (if accepted). Because the refereeing is double-blind, please ensure that author(s) name(s) or other identifying information, including obvious self-citations, do not appear on your submission to ensure anonymity.__Refereed Full Papers are to be submitted initially to the Program Chair, Joanna Richardson <j.richardson at griffith.edu.au> who will then redirect them to specialist track chairs as required. Decisions will be made by the Program Committee after receipt of reviewers reports. Submissions not accepted as Refereed Full Papers may be accepted as Edited Short Papers (see below).

Key Refereed Full Paper Dates
On or before (early submission would be appreciated) 28th January
Full paper decisions: 18th February
Final, formatted papers submitted to the AusWeb server: 3rd March
Papers published on the Web: 17th March
Posters and Edited Short Papers
We are also calling for submissions to our popular Posters stream as either traditional posters, creative 'Web-based posters' or Short Edited papers (research in progress) that the author wants to present and discuss with delegates. The Poster session (usually held on the Monday afternoon of the conference) is designed to showcase the most innovative developments on the Web from Australia and around the world.

Traditional posters are typically in a large display format and designed to allow the presentation of research in progress, demonstrate pre-release software or get feedback from attendees on new ideas. Web-based posters may use social-network technology to spread and communicate their message, but will need some physical presence at AusWeb! Summary details of your poster presentations (around 250 to 500 words) and edited short papers (500 to 1500 words) of work in progress will be published on the Web, in the printed proceedings and on the conference CD-ROM. Poster and short edited paper proposals are to be submitted directly to the Poster Chair, Rod Sims <rod.sims at faculty.capella.edu>. Acceptance decisions will be made by the Poster subcommittee.

Key Poster/Short Edited Paper Dates
On for before 11th February (early submissions would be appreciated)
Decisions: 18th February (decision re early submissions will be made within a week of submission)
Final, formatted paper details submitted to the AusWeb server: 3rd March Post Summaries (with links) and Short Edited Papers published on the Web: 17th March
(Late submissions will be considered but will only be published on the Web at the time of the conference.)

Best Poster and Best Paper Awards
It is an AusWeb tradition to acknowledge the best paper at each conference with the Paul Thistlewaite Award. This award consists of a certificate plus a complimentary core registration at the following year's conference. The latter is made possible by our long time sponsor Explain XML Specialists http://www.explain.com.au/ and is presented by their CEO Steve Ball. We also offer a Best Poster Award which consists of a certificate and registration for a tutorial or workshop at the following year's conference (compliments of the conference series).

Amanda Spink
Research Capacity Building Professor of Information Technology
Faculty of Information Technology
Queensland University of Technology
Gardens Point Campus, 2 George St, GPO Box 2434
Brisbane QLD 4001 Australia
Tel: 61-7-3138-9583 Fax: 61-7-3864-2703
Email: ah.spink at qut.edu.au
Homepage: http://sky.fit.qut.edu.au/~spinkah/

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