[Air-L] Reminder: Call for Items for Newsletter

Christian Fuchs christian.fuchs at sbg.ac.at
Tue Nov 20 03:30:27 PST 2007

Switzer,Jamie schrieb:

Dear Jamie,

I am not sure if info on new books is suitable for the AoIR newsletter. 
If so, I'd be happy if you can include some information on my new book.


Christian Fuchs (2008) Internet and Society: Social Theory in the Information Age. New York: Routledge. ISBN 0415961327. 408 pages. Routledge Research Series in Information Technology and Society Number 9.

More infos:

Discussion Board on Internet+Society issues:

In this book, the author develops a theory that shows how Internet has changed society and society shapes the Internet. It discusses the ecology, the economy, the politics, and the culture of transnational informational capitalism.
Topics addressed in the book include: self-organization in nature, self-organization in society, foundations of social theory, theory of capitalism, critical theory in the age of the Internet, transnational informational capitalism, Web 2.0, social software, ecological sustainability and ICTs, informational monopolies, strategies of accumulation related to the Internet, MySpace, YouTube, Wikipedia, Google, Open Source, Free Software, filesharing, knowledge labor, class theory, multitude and Empire (Hardt and Negri), class theory in informational capitalism, gift internet economy, commodity internet economy, gift commodity internet economy, digital divide, eParticipation, digital democracy, democratic theory, information warfare, electronic surveillance, cyberprotest, the movement for democratic globalization ("anti-globalization"), virtual communities, social networking platforms, cyberstalking, social relations online, individualization and isolation online, Internet addicti
 on, cyberculture, cyberethics, etc.
The book provides foundations for Critical Internet Research / Critical Theory in the age of informational capitalism.

> To the AoIR Membership:
> A reminder that the newsletter team is soliciting content for the next newsletter.
> Please send us any and all articles, news, upcoming events, jobs,
> general information, anecdotes from the conference, etc. etc.
> Anything you think would be of interest to the AoIR membership.
> Please send content direct to me at jamie.switzer at colostate.edu.
> Thank you in advance for your contributions!! JS
> (Happy Thanksgiving to those that celebrate the holiday!)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Jamie S. Switzer
> Assistant Professor
> Department of Journalism and Technical Communication
> Colorado State University
> Fort Collins, CO, USA
> 80523-1785
> jamie.switzer at colostate.edu
> 970.491.2239
> fax 970.491.2908
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Univ.Ass. Dr. Christian Fuchs
Assistant Professor for Internet and Society
ICT&S Center - Advanced Studies and Research 
in Information and Communication Technologies & Society
University of Salzburg
Sigmund Haffner Gasse 18
5020 Salzburg
christian.fuchs at sbg.ac.at
Phone +43 662 8044 4823
Fax   +43 662 6389 4800
Managing Editor of tripleC - peer reviewed open access
online journal for the foundations of information science:
New Book: Fuchs, Christian. 2008. Internet and Society: Social Theory in the Information Age. New York: Routledge. 408 Pages.

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